One of my friends (Vicky) was saying that our blogs have been neglected because of FB and Yes,Vicky you are right I have been neglecting my blog page and I'm sorry about that. So to let ya'll know some maybe new stuff and some repeated from FB.
Chris and I have been real busy with the youth and trying to get it to grow and to really minister to each one of the youth and their families. Our youth they just need alot of prayer and love from God and us. This past month we have had two youth saved PRAISE GOD! We also had a good family join our church and it has been a true blessing.
You know that Kristin goes to another church and one sunday she helped her daddy and I out with youth a Sunday afternoon. That Sunday she saw Dusty(one of the youth from our last church) and Chris said it was a hallmark monent as they ran to each other and hugged. They are so cute!
Alissa has applied for a short term mission trip this summer to Italy she is really wanting to do this or at least one like it. Please be praying for her. We will let ya'll know the outcome and dates of the trip.
I will try to get better with the blogging again.